Article: ‘A Guide to Becoming a Better Ally’
- Author: Harvard Business Review / Rakshitha Arni Ravishankar
- Published in: June 2023
- Keywords: allyship, workplace, systemic inequities
This article on how to become a better ally, published in the Harvard Business Review, focuses on allyship, particularly in the workplace. The author, Rakshitha Arni Ravishankar, explains that bridging systemic inequities is not just something that leadership can command or introduce – it is at least as important to acknowledge the power of the individual, no matter what role or authority they have in a company.
Ravishankar states: “Experts say that the small, seemingly mundane interactions we engage in every day at work can also make an impact. Water cooler chats, email threads, and weekly meetings are all spaces where inclusive behaviors can be modeled and practiced. That means, each of us has the agency to create an environment that is safe, where everyone feels respected and valued, and where people can be themselves without fear or reprimand.”
The guide inspires you to undo your own biases and act fairly towards colleagues. The article’s three main points are 1) understanding what a lack of privilege looks like, 2) learning about the different communities you want to support, and 3) putting your allyship into practice.