Europe's Biggest Festival Fan Survey - Ever! Register now. Logos for YOUROPE, Future-Fit Festivals, infield, and the European Union.

Biggest-Ever Festival Fan Survey opens Sep 1

YOUROPE – the European Festival Association has created a Europe-wide festival fan survey with the support of its member organisation Höme and their festival platform infield. The survey will be open from September 1-30, 2024.

All interested festivals can participate by registering here and sharing the link to the survey (and raffle) with their audiences in September. For this purpose, YOUROPE and Höme/infield have prepared social media assets for the festivals to use. The assets include an open file for you to personalise the assets for your event.

The survey’s goals are 1) to collect relevant data on an international scope to offer an empiric basis for political and economic decision-making, including funding, on all levels and 2) to strengthen the European festival scene by doing so. We will share the results with you and publicly. This will benefit both individual festivals and (inter-)national associations. Our survey will ask thousands of festival fans on a transnational level about their needs and expectations in relation to festival attendance.

To attract potential survey participants the survey comes with a raffle. One lucky survey respondent can win the summer of a lifetime in 2025 with tickets for up to 10 participating festivals. Please help us by supporting the raffle with 2 free regular festival tickets (incl. camping if available at your event). These free tickets will only be activated if the winner actively chooses to visit your festival. (This support is optional, but would be very much appreciated.)

Important links:

Supporting festivals & organisations please register for the survey:

Download social media assets to communicate the survey with your audience:

Link to survey (opens Sep 1):

The Festival Fan Survey is part of YOUROPE’s 3-year European project 3F Future-Fit Festivals, co-funded by the European Union. You can find more info on 3F and the various subprojects and publications here.

How it works:

YOUROPE – The European Festival Association was founded in 1998. It has since evolved into the most important association of European popular music festivals. Today, it represents 125 festivals and associated members from 30 European countries (as of August 2024).
The overall aim of the association is to strengthen and improve the European festival scene as a whole, to promote music and arts, and to connect cultures. By doing so, YOUROPE’s members want to inspire their audiences, cooperate with other cultural players, and contribute to the development of European society.

Höme is a network of over 300 German festivals, which has its own digital infrastructure and research expertise to design and conduct the survey. Höme already conducted a similar survey in Germany in 2021, in which over 800 festivals and 36,000+ festival fans took part. infield is Höme’s festival platform, where Fans can discover festivals fitting their needs and book their next trip. Höme is an association member of YOUROPE.

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