A large crowd gathers at an outdoor festival during sunset, with colorful tents and buildings in the background.

Suggestion for a Diversity & Inclusion Mission Statement

by YOUROPE – The European Festival Association

We encourage festivals to copy and adapt this Mission Statement for their own purposes. 

Our Mission:

Our mission is to organise a diverse, accessible and inclusive festival. We recognise that it is the right thing to do, and we are making it a priority in our work.

In our festival, people of different genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, cultures, ages, abilities, and social backgrounds, with different experiences, values, hopes and dreams come together. We welcome, encourage and promote this great diversity by providing an inclusive environment. We want to give all visitors the opportunity to be themselves, to feel safe and welcome.

To achieve this, we honour and support the diversity of the staff, service providers, volunteers, partners, artists and visitors. We recognise individual differences and develop ways for everyone to attend or work at the festival. That is why we plan to constantly learn and improve our diversity and inclusion concepts by expanding our network of people, programmes and tools.

Our Approach:

Our approach to inclusion and diversity is based on listening, learning and acting. 

To create, maintain and improve a diverse and inclusive festival environment, we need to foster diversity both on our festival site and in our entire organisation. This begins with our hiring practices and extends to, but is not limited to, the booking of artists.

We take multiple approaches to increase the number of people of all backgrounds at our festival and make it universally accessible. We constantly improve our knowledge and concepts by using resources such as YOUROPE’s Diversity & Inclusion Toolset, by training and sensitising our employees, and by including the perspectives of, e.g., FLINTA* and LGBTQIA+ individuals, individuals from ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. 

We want to engage with guests, volunteers, artists, employees, partners, and service providers from different backgrounds to mirror the world outside and to acquire knowledge and understanding of how all our attendees might experience our festival. 

Our diversity & inclusion strategy:

  • Creating behavioural standards (e.g., a code of conduct)
  • Establishing an inclusive work environment that respects and embraces diversity
  • Educating and training our employees and volunteers
  • Assigning a responsible person for diversity & inclusion within our organisation (who leads and monitors our diversity and inclusion activities)
  • Integrating diversity and inclusion strategies in employee/volunteer recruitment and artist booking processes
  • Actively seeking advice from guests, volunteers, artists, employees, and service providers with different backgrounds and points of view
  • Collaborating with institutions, organisations and movements related to diversity & inclusion 
  • Creating an annual public report which measures progress in all diversity and inclusion related areas   
  • Encourage our partners to adhere to these diversity and inclusion standards

Our values & goals:

  • Being diverse and inclusive at all levels of the organisation as well as in our booking practices
  • Creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for our guests to promote their diversity and wellbeing
  • Fair treatment of all employees, artists, volunteers, partners and guests from all backgrounds
  • Offering diversity & inclusion education and training to our staff and volunteers 
  • Constant learning and improving all of these processes and concepts