People sitting in a room watching a presentation on a screen, with tables covered in papers and cups.

11th GO Group workshop, Roskilde, DK

GO Group (Green Operations Europe), our pan-European, cross-industry sustainability think-tank, turns 15 years old this year and to mark the occasion, we will host a very special 11th edition of our travelling workshop for you.

Our interactive, dedicated, open and communicative seminar format known as the international GO Group workshop will finally take place in Roskilde, kindly hosted by the Roskilde Festival Group with international guests from all over Europe.

Together, we cordially invite you to this 2-day event on April 7 and 8, 2025, to one of the most iconic places of European festival history.


The 11th international GO Group workshop’s motto is “Music Festivals as Change Drivers” and will focus on chances and challenges, achievements and potentials of festivals, initiatives and activists to play a positive role in shaping society and driving the green transition.

Please note that the workshop is open to everyone who is interested and not limited to YOUROPE members or festivals in general.

We are so much looking forward to seeing you in Roskilde!

Aerial view of a large outdoor festival crowd with a green banner advertising the 11th International GO Group Workshop in Roskilde, 7 & 8 April 2025. Co-hosted by RFG, Yourope, 3F, and Future-Fit Festivals, and co-funded by the European Union.


Registration is open for everybody interested!

Regular fee: €150 (incl. 2 workshop days & lunch snacks on April 7 & 8)
• Discounted fee for YOUROPE members: €75 (if you think you’re entitled to the discount, but don’t have the code, please reach out to us)



Roskilde Festival Højskole
Basgangen 20, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Program preview

Keynote: Music and festivals as change drivers

In light of the polycrisis we are facing, it is urgent to reflect on what role festivals have to play in the future. Signe Lopdrup, CEO of Roskilde Festival, will delve into how we can look to other industries to find inspiration, and how festivals have a unique community space to foster change and hope for our – often young – audiences.

Workshop: How to change the behavior of the participants

To create meaningful and impactful change at our festivals as well as in society as a whole, we need to be able to change behaviors, habits and opinions. In this workshop, we will investigate how we as festivals can motivate and inspire our audiences to do things differently and what we can transport from the festival setting into everyday life.

Inspiration: Testing and experimenting at Roskilde Festival (Flokkr Stage, The Circular Lab, Food Lab)

For experimenting and testing out new ideas, Roskilde Festival has created a number of labs to co-create solutions and foster innovation. In this panel, Roskilde Festival will share their experience with working on the green transition with both young entrepreneurs, young activists and how they can make change through food and gastronomy.

Sustainability in production and international touring

Building on the discussions from the latest GO Group workshop in Bratislava, this session will explore key questions surrounding green transformation in festival and stage production. We will examine how to develop pan-European standards and the shared responsibilities of festivals and artists, exploring ways to foster collaboration. Additionally, we will discuss how to integrate social, artistic, and environmental sustainability in an industry primarily driven by financial interests

Program and workshop details, speakers and sessions will be updated here in the coming days and weeks regularly.

Networking opportunities

The Sunday evening get-together (Sun. April 6, 19h)
Restaurant Marcella, Skomagergade 40, 4000 Roskilde, Dänemark
As always, we meet for a casual get-together on the eve of the workshop at a nice location. Let’s get into workshop mode and meet your fellow GO Group participants. (This one is on everyone’s own account)

For those arriving early in Roskilde on Sunday the 6th we recommend visiting Ragnarock the museum for pop, rock and youth culture, right next to Roskilde Festival Højskole.  

The GO Group Dinner (Mon April 7, 19.30h)
The (not so) secret star of every GO Group workshop is the Monday night GO Group dinner. Always at a special place recommended by our hosts, we invite our participants to follow up on the day’s hot topics, get to know each other more, start a friendship… anything can happen here!
Location t.b.a.

Accommodation & travel

At Roskilde Festival Højskole, we have capacity to host some of you, which will be first come, first served (100 EUR).  Contact if you want to stay at Roskilde Festival Højskole or need some guidance.  

Other nearby options for hotels are Scandic Roskilde Park (0,5 km) and Danhostel Roskilde (3 km).  

Logos of "Music & Music Festivals as Change Drivers," "Roskilde Festival Gruppen," "Yourope The European Festival Association," "Future-Fit Festivals," and "Co-funded by the European Union."

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