Future Festival Tools: Trainers Handbook
Festival and outdoor events are a huge economic sector but, as yet, still form part of the wider events management discipline in terms of education. The majority of event management courses address sustainability issues in a very limited way: in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility or some “green” marketing, and the underlying profit-driven business models remain unchanged. Teachers, especially those with few links to real-world practice, need confirmation that other, inherently more sustainable, business models exist and real-life case studies and examples to illustrate this.
The overarching objective of the FUTURE FESTIVALS TOOLS Trainer’s Handbook for Vocational Education and Training is to ensure that the educational resources developed are not only useful and used widely among festival coordinators and events’ managers working today but are integrated into the EU VET education system so that the coordinators and managers of tomorrow develop improved environmental and entrepreneurial competences.
Its specific objective is to raise awareness and commitment to increasing the teaching of festival / outdoor event sustainability in vocational education and provide teaching staff with practical resources. We have developed two essential VET resources to achieve this objective that helps trainers gain the most from our other Future Festival Tools resources: a “Trainers Handbook” as well as a “Learning and Skills Guide”. The resources are available in English and French.
They are part of the Erasmus+ project FUTURE FESTIVAL TOOLS, in which GO Group, YOUROPE, Julie’s Bicycle, Green Events and other partners from all over Europe developed tools to enhance green competency in the events industry. The resources focus on the following six key areas:
- Energy
- Materials & Waste
- Food & Drink
- Water
- Travel & Transport
- Strategy
Besides the trainers handbook, Future Festival Tools published:
- A self-assessment tool to help event organizers understand gaps in knowledge and practice for an event
- Green Festival Stories, a guide with 21 Inspirational case studies about great sustainability initiatives at festivals
- A 6-module e-learner course on sustainability at events with certificate of completion