Future Festival Tools is an EU-funded, pan-European project. Its goal is to empower event professionals across Europe to be future-ready, with green competency, tools and personal certification.
Tangible results of the project are its intellectual outputs (resources and tools):
- Self-Assessment Tool: An online tool that raises awareness by enabling users to rate current performance in six key practical areas, linked to the policy themes of the EU Green Deal (available in English and French).
- Good-Practice Guide (Inspirational Green Festival Stories): A set of examples of sustainable festivals in practice alongside interpretation and analysis which introduces professionals, stakeholders and VET trainers to the scope and scale of sustainable practices, and persuade them to go further (available in English, French and German).
- Online Course: A comprehensive, user-friendly e-learning course which provides a robust knowledge base in sustainable business practice and climate action, and develops users’ skills to act sustainably and lead change in six key areas: energy, waste, food, water, travel, and governance (available English, French and German).
- Trainers’ Handbook: Contains a curriculum of the course structure and learning objectives covered in the online course and additional guidance on adapting the Self-Assessment Tool, Best Practice Compendium and Online course for classroom use with students of events management, hospitality and related disciplines (available in English and French).
GO Group was one of the seven project partners, while YOUROPE supported the project as an associated partner. YOUROPE members Øyafestivalen, Lowlands, Roskilde Festival, Way out West, NorthSide, OpenAir St. Gallen, We Love Green, MetalDays, and Pohoda Festival are featured in the resources.
The project finished in April 2023, but its outputs are still available and relevant.
More info: https://www.futurefestivaltools.eu/


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.