A large outdoor crowd at a music festival with people wearing colorful raincoats, standing on muddy ground, cheering in front of a stage with the name 'Passenger' displayed and banners reading 'Openair St.Gallen'.

TAKE A STAND is the most important awareness campaign for social commitment in the European music and creative sector. YOUROPE launched the initiative in 2017 with the aim to create a movement for festivals, associations, clubs, agencies and partner companies and like-minded people, to commit to shared values and goals. This call was followed by more than 150 participants and supporters from 25 countries. Those who feel connected to the European ideals, who believe in peace, integration and dialogue as opposed to fear and exclusion, are invited to join TAKE A STAND. The initiative is independent and entirely driven by the voluntary commitment of the participants.

In fall 2017, YOUROPE initiated the “TAKE A STAND Award” as a category of the European Festival Awards honouring political and social activities and initiatives by European festivals, recognising those speaking up. The Award is given out by a jury panel.


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  • #ImpossibleWithoutYouth, the first joint campaign by the two great European festival associations, YOUROPE and EFA, about showing appreciation for young people visiting festivals.
  • #WeVoteForEurope, the first ever pan-European festival campaign supporting the 2019 European Elections, initiated by 120 festivals from all over Europe.
  • #WaveOfSolidarity, the support campaign of the European music festivals for refugees and civil sea rescue organisations released on World Refugee Day 2020, carried out by 60 festival partners from 17 European countries.

A wide range of opportunities and information on how to join TAKE A STAND as well as logos and graphics can be found on the website www.take-a-stand.eu.


Holger Jan Schmidt

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