Man sleeping outdoors on a grassy area on an air mattress, holding a watermelon, with text overlays

Life is Live! Campaign for youth mental health

YOUROPE member festival EXIT Festival invites festivals everywhere to join their LIFE IS LIVE campaign on the mental health of young people:

EXIT and UNICEF have launched this campaign to highlight the immense importance of interacting in person for preserving mental health, particularly in the digital age. LIFE IS LIVE focuses on digital addiction, urgently drawing attention to the alarming extent it has reached. The very essence of music festivals is to bring a genuine, authentic, and powerful human experience at the highest level. Considering the potential and scale of just one major festival, it becomes clear what a significant positive impact it can have on the long-term well-being of hundreds of thousands of individuals and even entire generations. We recognize, nurture, and embrace this as a core value.

Together with EXIT and UNICEF, we are offering you two different campaign approaches:

  • “A true story lasts a lifetime” is the slogan for the initial phase of the campaign. Its goal is to underscore those irreplaceable moments spent with loved ones and alone, which make life authentic and real and can only be experienced live.
  • The second step, “Last seen”, points out that nothing can replace the feeling of a mutual experience – in person. And since festivals are the perfect place and opportunity for that, we invite young people to share these experiences.

Please find the LIFE IS LIVE presentation that describes the actions and also links you to the assets here.

If you wish to get in touch with the initiators regarding questions and suggestions, please reach out to us, or check out the LIFE IS LIVE website.

You are kindly invited to join LIFE IS LIVE and share its contents whenever you like.

YOUROPE – The European Festival Association is happy to support the LIFE IS LIVE initiative. The association does so within its three-year project “3F Future-Fit Festivals” co-funded by the European Union focusing the resilience, responsibility and relevance of popular music festivals.

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