Yellow caution tape in front of archery targets on a grassy field.
Cycle diagram showing stages: Determining safety objectives, Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Developing Measures, Implementing Measures, Monitoring/Re-Assessment.

The Risk Management Circle in the Context of Events 2: Risk Identification

The first step is to identify all potential risks associated with the event. This includes physical risks (like fire hazards or structural failures), environmental risks (such as weather conditions), and human risks (like crowd control or medical emergencies).

Risk identification is described in ISO 31000:2018 as a process for finding, recognising and describing risks. Risks are listed without judgement, i.e. risks that seem unlikely at first glance are also included. It is important to carry out this step of the risk assessment very carefully. Risk identification is the first and arguably the most critical phase of the risk management circle in event management. This phase sets the foundation for the entire risk management process by pinpointing potential threats that could disrupt the event. The more comprehensive the identification, the fewer risks will be overlooked. Every risk identified and prevented is one less potential accident factor (see “water glass theory” by Gottschalk/Gürtler 1959).

Understanding Risk Identification

Risk identification involves a systematic process of discovering, listing, and describing risks that could negatively impact the event. It is essential to approach this phase comprehensively, considering all aspects of the event from inception to completion.

Key Elements of Risk Identification

Common Risks in Event Management

It should be borne in mind that it is not possible to fully identify the risks. In addition to the temporal consideration (phases of the event), a spatial consideration makes sense, for example, which places at the event harbour a particular risk. Of course, this raises the question of how detailed this step in the process should be. It does not make sense to only look for possible risk factors superficially; going into too much detail and losing the overview is also not appropriate. Proportionality must be maintained.

The following standard hazards should always be taken into account (Source: [Online: 24.11.2023])


Spectator behaviour

Medical and rescue service events

Technical hazards

Fire hazards

Hazards for the (visitor-relevant) infrastructure inside/outside the event, including traffic routes

Basic hazards for special types of events

Dangers from attacks and threats

Tools for Risk Identification

Risk identification using a checklist

Checklists can facilitate the systematic identification of risks. In addition, these checklists can contain not only risks, but also aspects that are often elementary and should therefore not be forgotten. The application has various advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of such a list are

The disadvantages are:

The knowledge contained in the checklist is often based on more or less systematic experience. It can therefore not be used as the sole means of identification. On the one hand, it is advisable to continuously improve and expand the checklist in order to integrate new experiences. On the other hand, other methods should be used for identification, e.g. by means of a stress test.

Risk identification by means of a stress test

In a stress test, safety-critical components and subsystems are identified (e.g. via brain storming, mind mapping, clustering procedures) and it is determined how they react to stress. Systems are safety-critical if a (partial) failure or an unexpected delay causes visitors to react negatively, become aggressive and can lead to unrest and increased pressure on people. Examples

Once the safety-critical subsystems have been identified, it is determined how the subsystem would react to loads. It makes sense to carry out a query using certain keywords. Possible keywords are

The resulting scenarios show further possible risks, in addition to the possible risks from the checklists.

Effective risk identification is the cornerstone of successful event management. By engaging stakeholders, conducting thorough environmental scans, analyzing historical data, and utilizing structured tools and techniques, event organizers can anticipate and prepare for potential risks. This proactive approach not only mitigates the impact of unforeseen challenges but also enhances the overall quality and success of the event.

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